
Children are allowed to go to primary school in the Netherlands starting at the age of 4 years old. When children turn 5 years old, they have to go to school, because they have leerplicht. This is compulsory (‘leerplicht’). All children in the Netherlands have the right to receive education. Most children don’t have problems with the lessons at school. But not every child is the same. Sometimes additional help is needed, or a child needs extra practice. Sometimes a child needs different explanations or teaching materials. At times, they need education at another, special school. Below you can read information about passend onderwijs (tailored education) in primary school. What is good to know if you are a parent? And how can you cooperate with your child’s school? Do you have questions? Please contact the Ouder- en jeugdsteunpunt (parent and youth support center) in your samenwerkingsverband (school partnership).


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Most children can follow the lessons at school well enough. But not every child is the same. Some children need additional support at school. Sometimes more is needed than the school can offer, and the child may have to go to another school in the region. This can be another regular school or a school for speciaal basisonderwijs (special primary education) or speciaal onderwijs (special education). Every child with support needs, should receive an education that suits him or her in the region where he or she lives. That is called passend onderwijs (tailored education). Schools must ensure that a child receives help at school, or receives help in a suitable other place. This is regulated by the zorgplicht (duty of care) passend onderwijs (tailored education).

Every school gives suport to children who need it. That’s what you call basisondersteuning (basic support). What the school in question specifically provides for basisondersteuning, is stated in the schoolondersteuningsprofiel (school support profile). If your child needs more support, it is called extra ondersteuning (additional support). This is also stated in the schoolondersteuningsprofiel

(school support profile). Sometimes the samenwerkingsverband (school partnership) arranges that additional support. Sometimes the school arranges this itself. Read more about this under ‘What is a schoolondersteuningsprofiel (school support profile)?’, ‘What is basisondersteuning (basic support)?’ and ‘What is extra ondersteuning (additional support)?’.

Schools (school boards) for regular education, speciaal basisonderwijs (special primary education) and speciaal onderwijs (special education) work together per area or region to ensure passend onderwijs (tailored education). This is called a samenwerkingsverband (school partnership). A samenwerkingsverband ensures that every child who needs it receives extra ondersteuning (additional help), or has the option to go to a specialized school. The schools in the samenwerkingsverband agree on how to arrange this. Some samenwerkingsverbanden divide the money for passend onderwijs (tailored education) amongst the schools. In this way, the schools themselves provide extra ondersteuning for the students. In other cases, the samenwerkingsverband arranges the extra ondersteuning. It is good to know what the agreements are in your samenwerkingsverband. These agreements are included in a ondersteuningsplan (support plan). You can request this from the samenwerkingsverband or find it on the website. Read more about this under ‘What is a ondersteuningsplan (support plan)?’.

If your child needs more than basisondersteuning (basic support), the school will make a plan. This plan states how the school will help your child to feel comfortable and to learn as well as possible. The school sets goals to work towards. This plan is called a ontwikkelingsperspectief (developmental perspective). Even if your child is in speciaal (basis) onderwijs (special (primary) education), or is changing school to go there, the school must also make a ontwikelingsperspectief. Usually the intern begeleider (internal support coordinator) does this. The school will talk to you about the goals that will be put in the ontwikkelingsperspectief. And about how the school will help your child achieve these goals. The ontwikkelingsperspectief consists of at least two parts, the uitstroomprofiel (graduate profile) and the handelingsdeel (action part). The uitstroomprofiel states the level of further education the school is working towards with your child. At what level will your child be at the end of primary school? And what kind of education can your child receive after primary school?

The other part of the developmental perspective is the handelingsdeel. This concerns the extra ondersteuning (additional support) your child receives to achieve the goals. The school will also discuss this with you. This is also known as an Op Overeenstemming Gericht Overleg’ or ‘OOGO’ (agreementoriented consultation). You and the school must agree on the handelingsdeel of the ontwikkelingsperspectief. This is called instemmingsrecht (right of consent). The school will usually ask you to sign it to show that you agree. The school should discuss the ontwikkelinsperspectief with you at least once a year.

If your child needs more help than basisondersteuning (basic support), the school will draw up a plan with goals. This plan is called the ontwikkelingsperspectief (developmental perspective). Read more about this under What is a ontwikkelingsperspectief (developmental perspective)?, ‘What is basisondersteuning (basic support)?’ and ‘What is extra ondersteuning (additional support)?’.

Each child should receive an education that suits him or her, and receive extra ondersteuning

(additional support) when needed. The schoolbestuur (school board) is responsible for this. That’s called zorgplicht (duty of care). For this, the school must first thoroughly investigate what kind of help your child needs and whether the school can provide that extra ondersteuning itself. Sometimes the school needs help from the samenwerkingsverband (school partnership), or from other experts. Maybe another school would be better suited? If so, then the school has to help find it. The schoolbestuur of the school where your child is enrolled has a zorgplicht. Even if the extra ondersteuning is organized by the samenwerkingsverband.

The school’s zorgplicht (duty of care) begins the moment you sign up your child in writing. The zorgplicht continues until there is another school where you sign up your child. Even if the new school where you sign up your child thinks that another school is a better fit. Only parents can sign up a child. Read more about this under ‘How do I sign up my child at a school?’ and ‘What is zorgplicht (duty of care)?

Sometimes the school does not have zorgplicht:

When the school is full. This must then apply to all registrations. Not only for students who need extra ondersteuning (additional support).

If you as a parent do not agree with how the school thinks about education and upbringing. This is what you call ‘not consenting to the basics (niet onderschrijven van de grondslag).

When signing up at a cluster 1 or cluster 2 school. These schools are not part of a samenwerkingsverband (school partnership). They have their own admission procedure.

All schools have a schoolbestuur (school board). The schoolbestuur is ultimately responsible for decisions related to the school and the education that is given. The schoolbestuur makes important decisions about the school. They usually do this for more than one school. Sometimes the schoolbestuur leaves certain responsibilities to the school management, but the schoolbestuur remains ultimately responsible. Schoolbesturen ensure that the money is distributed, schools have enough people who work there and the school provides good education. Schoolbesturen have zorgplicht (duty of care). It is the task of the schoolbestuur to ensure that the school arranges that every child receives an education that is suitable for him or her. Another task is that they ensure that every child gets extra ondersteuning (additional support) if needed. They sometimes do this with the help of the samenwerkingsverband (school partnership). The schoolgids (school guide) states which school board your school belongs to. Read more about this under What is zorgplicht (duty of care)?’ and What is a samenwerkingsverband (school partnership)? and ‘What is extra ondersteuning (additional support)?’.

To find out which school is right for your child, you have to look at what your child needs. Sometimes you already know what he or she needs when you sign up. But sometimes it is not apparent what your child needs until later. It is important to take a good look at what a school can do for your child. The school should always be able to provide some support. That’s called basisondersteuning (basic support). But also look carefully at what the school can do for your child if extra ondersteuning (additional support) is needed. This is stated in the schoolondersteuningsprofiel (school support profile). You can find the schoolondersteuningsprofiel in the schoolgids (school guide) or on the

school website. Can’t find the schoolondersteuningsprofiel? Ask the school for it. Before enrolling your child in a school, look around at different schools. Ask for an introductory meeting with the director or intern begeleider (internal support coordinator). Ask for a tour of the school and what kind of help the school often provides. How do they feel about doing something extra for a student? You can also ask other parents if they are satisfied with the school. How do you find the atmosphere at school? Does it feel good and does it suit you and your child?

Read more about this under ‘How do I sign up my child at a school?’, ‘What is basisondersteuning (basic support)?’, ‘What is extra ondersteuning (additional’support)?’ ‘What is a schoolondersteuningsprofiel (school support profile)? and ‘Who at school is involved in additional support and passend onderwijs (tailored education)?‘.

Schools often use an application form, but this is not mandatory. An application by letter or e-mail is also valid. It can be useful to ask for confirmation of your application, by e-mail for example. This way you have proof that the application has been made. The application form often asks for a lot of information. Schools ask for this information to ensure that your child ends up in a good place and receives the support that is needed.

In addition, an application form often asks for permission to share information. Or to request information from, for example, the previous school. You don’t have to give permission for everything, there are specific rules for that. For example, you must be told in advance what information is involved. You should also be told what that information is needed for and where the information is stored. The school has to tell you who can access and read the information. Read more about this under ‘What information do I have to share with the school?’.

Sometimes it is very clear that your child needs extra ondersteuning (additional support), that a regular primary school in your region cannot offer. You can sign up your child directly at a school for speciaal onderwijs (special education) or speciaal basisonderwijs (special primary education). This is done in the same way as in regular education. See the question ‘How do I sign up my child at a school?’. If your child already attends a regular school, you can also sign up your child at a school for speciaal onderwijs of speciaal basisonderwijs. If this is the case, first talk to the school your child is currently attending to see if they can offer (more or different) extra ondersteuning. If basisondersteuning has been provided and extra ondersteuning is required, the school must draw up a ontwikkelingsperspectief (developmental perspective). This is also necessary if the school thinks that it would be better for your child to attend speciaal onderwijs of speciaal basisonderwijs. You can read more about this under ‘What is a ontwikkelingsperspectief (developmental perspective)?.

The school has zorgplicht (duty of care) from the moment of application and the school must supply the toelaatbaarheidsverklaring (declaration of admissibility). You will find an explanation of a toelaatbaarheidsverklaring under the question ‘What is a toelaatbaarheidsverklaring (declaration of admissibility)?. After application, the school will investigate whether it can offer your child the ondersteuning it needs and whether it will accept your child. Read more under ‘What is zorgplicht (duty of care)?’, ‘What is speciaal onderwijs (special education)?’ and ‘What is speciaal basisonderwijs (special primary education)?’.

Sometimes you already know that your child needs extra ondersteuning (additional support) when it starts school for the first time. It is good to tell the school about this when applying. The school then has six weeks to investigate the help your child needs and whether they can provide it. Usually the school does this by making a ontwikkelingsperspectief (developmental perspective). Read more about this under ‘What is a ontwikkelingsperspectief (developmental perspective)?’. Sometimes the school

needs more information or the school needs to do research to know what kind of help and how much help your child needs. Then the school may need four weeks of extra time.

The school will let you know what information or research they need and why. The school’s zorgplicht (duty of care) begins with application. If the school cannot provide the help for your child itself, the school will help you find another school. As a parent, you don’t have to do this by yourself. If another school has been found for your child, you can sign up your child at that school. From that moment on, the new school has zorgplicht (duty of care) for your child. Only then will the duty of care of the first school end. You can read more about zorgplicht under ‘What is zorgplicht (duty of care)?.

Yes, this is possible. However, you have to inform the schools when you sign up. You must also indicate which school has your preference. That school will have zorgplicht (duty of care). Read more about this under What is zorgplicht (duty of care)?.

It is important to know that an application is different from enrollment. After signing up, the school will check whether they can enroll your child. The school will always let you know in a letter or e-mail whether or not your child will be enrolled at the school. A school’s zorgplicht (duty of care) starts with application. This means that the school ensures that your child receives passend onderwijs (tailored education). Even if the school is not going to enroll your child. In this case, the school will look for another suitable place together with you. This can be another primary school, a school for speciaal onderwijs (special primary education) or a school for speciaal onderwijs (special education). This is stated in the ontwikkelingsperspectief (developmental perspective). For placement at a school for speciaal (basis) onderwijs (special (primary) education), a toelaatbaarheidsverklaring (declaration of admissibility) is first required. You can read more about this under ‘What is passend onderwijs (tailored education)?’ ‘What is a ontwikkelingsperspectief (developmental perspective)?’ and ‘What is a toelaatbaarheidsverklaring (declaration of admissibility)?’.

Sometimes you know before your child starts school that he or she needs extra ondersteuning (additional support). You must inform the school of this when you sign up. The school will then collect information about your child. They do this because they want to know what kind of support your child needs and how much support is needed. The school asks you as a parent to share information about your child with them. You don’t have to give the entire report of an examination to the school. You might not want to, because some reports also contain information about others. You can choose to give part of the report to the school, or just a summary. The school may ask to contact the therapist of your child (if he or she has one). You can ask questions about this. What information does the school need, and why? Who will be able to read all this information? And can you provide that information yourself? The school always has to ask you for permission first. The school is not allowed to consult with others outside the school about your child without your permission. The school must also request permission to read a report of any examination. The school should receive enough information from you to be able to research what your child needs.

With all this information, the school will have to investigate within six weeks whether they can provide the help your child needs. Sometimes there is an exception, for example when signing up for a new school year. The school will discuss this with you as a parent. Sometimes the school will let you know that more time is needed for the investigation. In that case, the school may use another four weeks of extra time. If it is clear what your child needs in terms of education and extra ondersteuning, the school will determine if your child can get this from them. And whether the school can enroll your child. The school makes a report of the research into what your child needs and what the school can do for him or her. You can ask for a copy of this report.

A new school has zorgplicht (duty of care) from the moment of application. This remains the case, even if the school cannot enroll your child. If your child is going to change schools, and is therefore already registered at a school, the old school has zorgplicht until your child is enrolled at the new school. You can read more about zorgplicht, application and enrollment under What is zorgplicht (duty of care)?’, ‘How do I sign up my child at a school?’ and ‘When does the school enroll my child?’ and ‘What is extra ondersteuning (additional support)’.

Children can have very different needs. They can need help with planning and organizing schoolwork, or extra practice of the material. They may need explanation in small(er) groups for reading or math. They can need help with gym class or an adapted chair. Aid is divided into basisondersteuning (basic support) and extra ondersteuning (additional support). Read more about this under ‘What is basisondersteuning (basic support)?’ and ‘What is extra ondersteuning (additional) support?’.

The school will investigate what your child needs in terms of extra ondersteuning (additional support). The school will do this in consultation with you as a parent. There are often special names for such conversations. Such as multidisciplinair overleg (multidisciplinary consultation or ondersteuningsteam (support team). After this research and the meetings, the school will draw up a ontwikkelingsperspectief (developmental perspective) for your child. More information can be found under ‘What is a ontwikkelingsperspectief (developmental perspective)?’.

If your child is already enrolled at a school, the school uses information from the teacher about how things are going in the classroom. But the school may also ask for information from your child’s caregivers or therapists. The school may ask for information from a previous school or daycare. The school always has to ask you for permission first. The school is not allowed to consult with others outside the school about your child without your permission. The school must also request permission to read a report of an examination or a test outside of school. You can read more about this under ‘What information do I have to share with the school?’.

Sometimes it turns out that a school for speciaal onderwijs (special education) or speciaal basisonderwijs (special primary education) would be best for your child. This requires a toelaatbaarheidsverklaring (declaration of admissibility). More information can be found under ‘Can I sign up my child at a school for speciaal (basis) Onderwijs (special (primary) education)?and ‘What is a toelaatbaarheidsverklaring (declaration of admissibility)?’ and ‘What is a ontwikkelingsperspectief (developmental perspective)? and ‘What is extra ondersteuning (additional support)?.

The school schoolondersteuningsprofiel (support profile) is a document that states what support the school can provide. Support is divided into basisondersteuning (basic support) and extra ondersteuning (additional support). The schoolondersteuningsprofiel states which basisondersteuning and which extra ondersteuning the school provides. The school must create a new school schoolondersteuningsprofiel every four years. You can find the schoolondersteuningsprofiel in the schoolgids (school guide) or on the school website. Can’t find the schoolondersteuningsprofiel? Or is it older than four years? Then ask the school for it. Read more about basisondersteuning and extra ondersteuning under ‘What is basisondersteuning (basic support)?‘ and ‘What is extra ondersteuning (additional support)?.

In a samenwerkingsverband (school partnership), all schools in a region work together to ensure that there is passend onderwijs (tailored education) for every child in that region. The ondersteuningsplan (support plan) of the samenwerkingsverband (school partnership) contains the agreements that have been made in your region about extra ondersteuning (additional support). You can read more about extra ondersteuning under ‘What is extra ondersteuning (additional support)?’.

It is not necessary to have a diagnosis such as ADHD or autism before the school can provide extra ondersteuning ((additional) support). But a diagnosis can sometimes help the school know what kind of help your child needs. Think carefully about whether you want to have your child examined and by whom. A diagnosis such as dyslexia is sometimes necessary in order to be allowed to use specific aids and, for example, to get extra time on tests.

A school must be able to help a student with problems that occur regularly, such as reading problems and math problems. That’s what we call basisondersteuning (basic support). Some schools specialize in a certain type of help. The school schoolondersteuningsprofiel (support profile) states which basisondersteuning and which extra ondersteuning (additional support) the school will provide and how they provide it. Read more about the school schoolondersteuningsprofiel and extra ondersteuning under ‘What is basisondersteuning (basic support)?’ , ‘What is extra ondersteuning (additional support)?’ and ‘What is a schoolondersteuningsprofiel (school support profile)?’.

If your child needs basisondersteuning (basic support), this will be written down in their student file. It states what basisondersteuning your child will receive. How often your child should receive this help and whether it is enough. It will also mention, for example, whether or not your child is making progress. And whether extra practice work is difficult for your child or if the support works well. As a parent you can always participate in the discussion about basisondersteuning. It is also important that parents and the school cooperate well. Agree on how you will let each other know how things are going. Ask for more information if you have any questions. Also tell the school how your child is doing at home. For example, does your child proudly tell you about the extra ondersteuning (additional support) and how things are going at school? Or does your child indicate that it finds the extra ondersteuning difficult? Maybe you notice that your child is worrying and feeling a bit insecure. You can talk about this with your child. Discuss with the school what the best help is for your child. Make appointments to meet again. And then talk about whether the basisondersteuning of the school helps your child. Maybe different help is needed. Another possibility is stopping the support at some point because it’s no longer needed.

Your child may need more help than the basisondersteuning (basic support) the school has to offer. Your child may then qualify for extra ondersteuning (additional support). The ondersteuningsplan (support plan of the samenwerkingsverband (school partnership) contains the agreements about basisondersteuning en extra ondersteuning in your region. Each samenwerkingsverband arranges this differently. You can read more about this under ‘What is a samenwerkingsverband (school partnership)?’,‘What is a ondersteuningsplan (support plan)?’, ‘What is basisondersteuning (basic support)? and ‘What is extra ondersteuning (additional support)?’.

If your child needs extra ondersteuning (additional support), the school should make a plan with goals to achieve. This plan is called the ontwikkelingsperspectief (developmental perspective). Read more about this under ‘What is a ontwikkelingsperspectief (developmental perspective)?’.

It is important that parents and the school cooperate well. Ask for more information if you have any questions. And also tell the school what your thoughts are about how your child is doing. Sometimes words are used in meetings that are new to you. Feel free to ask for an explanation if you don’t know what a word means. This way you can discuss what the best help is for your child. Make an appointment for your next meeting. A meeting in which, for example, you can discuss whether the extra ondersteuning is helping your child. And whether or not different help is needed. Maybe support can be stopped. Read more about support under ‘What is basisondersteuning (basic support)? and ‘What is extra ondersteuning (additional support)?’.

If the school thinks that your child needs extra ondersteuning (additional support), they discuss this with you as a parent. These meetings are usually with people from the school such as the intern begeleider (internal support coordinator) or the teacher and with other experts. For example a psychologist, a pediatrician or speech therapist. Often these meetings are referred to as MDO, which is the abbreviation for a multidisciplinair overleg (multidisciplinary meeting). As a parent you can always visit an MDO. It is important that you participate in the discussion about the plan for extra ondersteuning for your child. You know your own child best and can tell the school how your child is doing at home. Together you can come to a solution that best suits your child. Sometimes the school also wants a care provider from the municipality to be present at an MDO. Or a pediatrician or leerplichtambtenaar (education welfare officer). The school has to ask for permission from you as a parent. Whether these people are (necessary) at the consultation depends on the help that is needed for your child. You can ask why it is necessary for these people to be at the meeting. Perhaps it is good if your child is also present at (part of) the consultation. You can also bring someone with you to the meeting. Tell the school in advance.

Sometimes extra research by someone outside the school is needed to see what extra ondersteuning your child needs. This can be, for example, an examination by a psychologist or speech therapist. This too is often discussed in a multidisciplinair overleg (multidisciplinary meeting). For additional research, parents must always give permission first. You can also ask questions about this first. Why the school thinks the research is necessary, for example. Who will conduct the research, where and when? Even if someone from the school or the samenwerkingsverband (school partnership) does the research, you as a parent should be the first to read the report. You decide whether the school can read it too. Read more about this under ‘What information do I have to share with the school?’ and ‘What is a samenwerkingsverband (school partnership)?’ and ‘What is extra ondersteuning (additional support)?’.

The school keeps a record of the status of the extra ondersteuning in your child’s student file. At least once a year, the school discusses the ontwikkelingsperspectief (developmental perspective) that the school has made for your child with you. It is also discussed whether the school still thinks the same about how your child will develop at school. And whether the help your child receives is still needed in the same way. The ontwikkelingsperspectief can be adjusted after such a meeting with you. Read more about this under ‘What is a ontwikkelingsperspectief (developmental perspective)?’.

Everyone. The teacher is especially important. Not only because the teacher provides help to students, but also because the teacher is the likeliest to see whether a child needs help. And if necessary, the teacher calls in the intern begeleider (internal support coordinator). The intern begeleider at school ensures that children receive the help they need. The intern begeleider assists the teacher and other support staff (such as a remedial teacher). And together with you as a parent, the school makes a plan that states what is needed. What help your child receives, and how often. And when and how it will be assessed whether the support helps your child. The intern begeleider arranges that the support is provided and sometimes consults with the director of the school or with the samenwerkingsverband (school partnership). Read more about this under ‘What is a samenwerkingsverband (school partnership)?’.

Sometimes the school is unable to provide the extra ondersteuning (additional support) that your child needs. Sometimes the school calls itself handelingsverlegen (inability to act). Read more about this under ‘What does handelingsverlegen (inability to act) mean?’. Often there are discussions about how to proceed. Your child may temporarily not be able to go to school (every day). It is good to know that your child still has the right to education. The school’s zorgplicht (duty of care) means that the school must provide education until another school is found that better suits your child. The school may not deregister your child until there is another school where you have signed up your child. A school cannot say that they are handelingsverlegen if a plan has not yet been made for your child: a ontwikkelingsperspectief (developmental perspective). As a parent you can always ask for this. Read more about this under ‘What is a ontwikkelingsperspectief (developmental perspective?’ and ‘What does handelingsverlegen (inability to act) mean?’ and ‘What is zorgplicht (duty of care)?’.

Perhaps there is another school that suits your child better. A school that can give the support that your child needs. This can be another primary school, but also a school for speciaal onderwijs (special education) or speciaal basisonderwijs (special primary education). The fact that your child can be helped better at another school should become clear from the ontwikkelingsperspectief . The school and parents must agree on this. For placement at a school for speciaal (basis) onderwijs (special (primary) education), an toelaatbaarheidsverklaring (admissibility declaration) must be requested from the samenwerkingsverband (school partnership). Read more about this under ‘What is a toelaatbaarheidsverklaring (declaration of admissibility)?’, ‘Wat is speciaal (basis) onderwijs (special (primary) education)? ‘Wat is speciaal onderwijs (special education)? and ‘What is a samenwerkingsverband (school partnership)?’.

Sometimes the school does not succeed in offering your child enough appropriate and necessary support. As a result, your child cannot develop well enough. This is what the school calls beinghandelingsverlegen inable to act’.

Sometimes a school is unable to organize passend onderwijs (tailored education) for your child. Then the school cannot give your child the extra ondersteuning (additional support) it needs. Then the school is handelingsverlegen’ (inable to act). Read more about this under ‘What does handelingsverlegen (inability to act) mean?’. Sometimes the school says that your child is no longer welcome. Or you decide that your child is (temporarily) unable to go to school. It is good to know that the school still has zorgplicht (duty of care). Read more about zorplicht under ‘What is duty of care (zorgplicht)?’. Your child must be able to continue to develop. You can then look for other options, together with the school. Sometimes it is no longer possible to talk to the school about this. Look at the question ‘What if I can’t come to an agreement with school?’ to see what you can do.

It is important that you as a parent cooperate with the school. You know your child well and you see how your child is doing at home. You also know best what your child needs. The school monitors how your child is doing at school. Discuss with the school what the school can do and what you can do. Check the information in the schoolgids (school guide) and the schoolondersteuningsprofiel (school support profile) and what help the school can provide. And what you might be able to do to help the school. Make sure agreements are on paper. And make an appointment for your next meeting to evaluate how things are going. Read more under: ‘What is a schoolondersteuningsprofiel (school support profile)?’.

If you are concerned and think your child needs extra ondersteuning (additional support), discuss this with your child’s teacher. You can make an appointment for this. When making an appointment, tell the school briefly what you want to talk about. You can discuss your concerns during the interview. You will also receive information about how the teacher sees that your child is doing. You can also contact the intern begeleider (internal support coordinator). He or she ensures that children receive extra ondersteuning at school.

Does the school invite you for an appointment? Ask the school what the exact purpose is of this meeting. What topics do they want to discuss? And who will be joining the meeting? Before the appointment, think carefully about what you want to discuss. What are your concerns (with specific examples) and what is going well? It is helpful to write this down for yourself. You can use the notes during the meeting. Also reed: ‘What information do I have to share with the school? What information does school have to share with me?’.

You can always bring someone you trust to a meeting. This can be the other parent, but it can also be someone else who knows your child well. Or a youth counsellor for your child. During the meeting, always make agreements about what will happen after the meeting. Who’s going to do what? When is the next meeting? And how do you, as a parent and school, cooperate well? Ask the school to email or send a report of the conversation. This should also include the agreements you have made with the school. You can always make notes yourself and make a report containing the agreements that have been made. Please share this report with the school.

If your child needs extra ondersteuning (additional support), the school needs information to find out what that support should be. The school may ask for reports of examinations or ask for permission to contact the daycare or previous school for information about your child. The school can also ask if they can consult with a youth counsellor of your child. This is only allowed if you give permission. You can first ask the school questions. You can ask why they need the information, for example. And who at school can access the information and read it. Do you find it upsetting to give the entire report of an examination of your child to the school? Because it also contains information about other people, for example? Then you can also give part of the report to the school. You can choose to give only the summary and the advice, for example.

Sometimes the primary school asks for information about your child at the daycare or the previous school your child attended. This happens so they can create a full picture with all information that is already known about your child. And they may ask permission for a conversation with the teacher who already knows your child. This is called awarme overdracht’. This happens regularly, but it is not mandatory. The school must provide information in the educational report. Read more under ‘What is an onderwijskundig rapport (educational report)? . The school may only request or share information about your child with your permission. You therefore need to know exactly what information is involved. Don’t just say yes or no. You should also bear in mind that the school cannot provide passend onderwijs (tailored education) without information. Cooperating with the school is important.

Sometimes the school needs information about your child. Information contained in a report of an examination or treatment. The school may only read these reports with your permission. Don’t just say yes or no. Think carefully about what information is needed to share with the school. You can ask the school questions first. Why they need the information, for example. And who will have access to read it? Do you find it upsetting to give the entire report of an examination of your child to the school? A report might contain information concerning other people. Then you can also give part of the report to the school. For example, only the summary and the advice. Keep in mind that the school cannot provide passend onderwijs (tailored education) without information. Cooperating with the school is important.

The school management and teachers, and you as a parent of course, are allowed to view and discuss information about your child. The onderwijsinspectie (inspectorate of education) may also always request information about children. So that the onderwijsinspectie can investigate whether a school is doing its job properly. If the school wants information from a caregiver or youth counsellor of your child inside or outside the school, your permission is always required. Information about your child from a dyslexia therapist, for example. Even if the school itself asks for an examination and pays for the examination. The school must ask you for permission for the examination. As a parent, you are always the first to read the report after the examination is done. And you can decide whether the report can also be sent to the school. And whether the examinator is allowed to discuss the report with the school. If your child goes to another school, the school will prepare an onderwijskundig rapport (educational report). Read more about this under ‘What is an onderwijskundig rappor (educational report)?. The school shares this educational report with you. So you know what information is sent to the new school. In the case that you do not agree with information that is in the educational report, you can ask the school to add your opinion to the report.

The school keeps track of information about your child. Especially if your child receives extra ondersteuning (additional support). As a parent, you may request information from the student monitoring system, the student file and the ontwikkelingsperspectief (developmental perspective). You can ask for this at the school. By law you have the right to a copy of all information kept about your child. Also read: What is a ontwikkelingsperspectief (developmental perspective)?’.

As a parent, you may request the information that the school stores about your child. If there is something in it that you think is incorrect, you can ask the school to remove, add information or correct the information. That is stated in the privacy law.

Schools and municipalities can work together by providing arrangements and customization. Samenwerkingsverbanden (school partnerships) make agreements about this once every four years with all municipalities in their region. As a parent, you can also request youth assistance from your municipality. If your child needs youth assistance to receive a passend onderwijs (tailored education), information about this can be found in the ontwikkelingsperspectief (developmental perspective). It states what kind of care or help your child needs and how this should be arranged. Read more about this under ‘What is a ontwikkelingsperspectief (developmental perspective)?’ , ‘What is extra ondersteuning (additional support)?’’ en ‘What is a samenwerkingsverband (school partnership)?’.

Sometimes, after examining the help your child needs, the school may find that another school is more suitable for your child. This can occur during registering, but can also happen if your child is already enrolled at school. The school may say that it cannot provide the extra ondersteuning (additional support) that your child needs. The school may think a smaller, quieter class is a better place for your child. What exact support your child needs, should be stated in a ontwikkelingsperspectief (developmental perspective). The school will always consult you about this. Read more about this under ‘What is a ontwikkelingsperspectief (developmental perspective)?’ and ‘What is extra ondersteuning (additional support)?’.

The handelingsdeel (action part) of the ontwikkelingsperspectief should state that your child is better off going to another school and why. You as a parent must also agree with the action part of the developmental perspective. That’s called instemmingsrecht (right of consent). The school will work with you to find the best place for your child. Your child will remain enrolled at the school until there is another school where you have signed up your child. Your child must be able to attend school until it is registered at another school. The school has zorgplicht (duty of care) until you sign up your child at another school. Read more about this under ‘What is zorgplicht (duty of care)?’.

Speciaal basisonderwijs (special primary education) or speciaal onderwijs (special education) may be the best place for your child. Or a primary school that can give different extra ondersteuning. If your child is better of at speciaal (basis) onderwijs, the school must request an toelaatbaarheidsverklaring (admissibility statement) from the samenwerkingsverband (school partnership). The samenwerkingsverband decides whether your child is ‘admissible’ to special education. The new school will ultimately decide whether your child will be admitted. Read more about this under ‘What is a toelaatbaarheidsverklaring (declaration of admissibility)?’ and ‘Can I sign up my child at a school for special (primary) education?’.

The previous school your child attended must provide information about your child to it’s new school. That new school can be a different mainstream school, specialized education or secondary school. The school provides this information by producing an onderwijskunidg rapport (educational report). The onderwijskundig rapport contains five parts with information. These parts are:

• Administrative data, such as name and date of birth
• Learning outcomes and school advice
• Social and emotional development and behaviour
• Guidance information
• Whether your child has been absent regularly

The school prepares the onderwijskundig rapport. But you can ask the school to add your comments. Read more about this under ‘With whom can the school discuss information about my child?’.

Speciaal basisonderwijs (special primary education) and speciaal onderwijs (special education) are not the same. Speciaal basisonderwijs falls under the same law as the regular primary school. What the children learn in special primary education is therefore the same as in primary school. Speciaal onderwijs sits under a different law. Speciaal onderwijs has other learning objectives (what children’s abilities should beat the end of school).

Speciaal basisonderwijs (special primary education) is meant for children with mild learning difficulties, such as problems with concentration or with motor skills. It is intended for children who need more extra ondersteuning (additional support) than a mainstream primary school can provide. Classes are usually smaller, so there are fewer stimuli and more extra ondersteuning. The learning objectives (what children’s abilities should be at the end of school) are the same as in a normal school.

Speciaal Onderwijs (special education) is for children with more serious learning difficulties and/or problems with their behaviour. For example, children with a physical disability, children who cannot hear or see well or children with psychological problems.

In the past, special education schools were classified into four types. These were called ‘clusters’. That is no longer the case. However, sometimes the clusters are still referred to. That is the reason the clusters will be introduced here:



Cluster 1

Blind or visually impaired children (visually handicapped students).

Cluster 2

Deaf and hearing impaired children. Severe language and speech problems.

Cluster 3

Physical disability or intellectual disability. Children with severe learning difficulties, chronically ill children or children with epilepsy.

Cluster 4

Children with behavioural and psychiatric problems.

For clusters 3 and 4, the samenwerkingsverband (school partnership) determines whether your child will receive a toelaatbaarheidsverklaring (declaration of admissibility). Cluster 1 and 2 have different rules. Whether your child is better off going to speciaal onderwijs of speciaal basisonderwijs should be made clear from the ontwikkelingsperspectief (developmental perspective). This plan should be discussed with you, as a parent. You can read more about this under ‘What is a ontwikkelingsperspectief (developmental perspective)?’.

For placement in speciaal (basis) onderwijs, the school must request an toelaatbaarheidsverklaring (admissibility declaration) from the samenwerkingsverband. If you do not agree with the decision on the toelaatbaarheidsverklaring, , you can object to this via an objection procedure. The samenwerkingsverband may have its own (objection) advisory committee, or be affiliated with the national objection advisory committee(Landelijke Bezwaaradviescommissie Toelaatbaarheidsverklaring) on admissibility declaration. The advisory committee issues a recommendation to the samenwerkingsverband. The samenwerkingsverband must then make a decision on the objection.

There may be a waiting list for speciaal (basis) onderwijs. Until the moment that your child can go there, zorgplicht (duty of care) remains with the school your child was previously enrolled at, and that school must continue to provide education. Unless your child is already registered and enrolled at the new school for speciaal (basis) onderwijs, which would mean the new school has zorgplicht. This ensures that your child always has the right to education. More information can be found under ‘What is zorgplicht (duty of care?’, ‘What is a toelaatbaarheidsverklaring (declaration of admissibility)?’, ‘What is a samenwerkingsverband (school partnership)‘ and ‘What is a ontwikkelingsperspectief (developmental perspective)?’.

If your child goes to speciaal (basis) onderwijs (special (primary) education), the school where you signed up your child will request a toelaatbaarheidsverklaring (declaration of admissibility) from the samenwerkingsverband (school partnership). The samenwerkingsverband decides whether your child is admissible for special education. The samenwerkingsverband must request advice from two independent experts. Experts are, for example, a remedial teacher or a psychologist and a child/youth psychologist, a pedagogue, a child psychiatrist, social worker or a doctor. The toelaatbaarheidsverklaring also states what kind of support and how much support your child needs. The samenwerkingsverband receives extra money from the government to arrange passend onderwijs (tailored education) for your child. The school board of the school for speciaal (basis) onderwijs then decides whether the school will admit your child. Usually the school board has a commissie van begeleiding (guidance committee) for this. The school carefully examines whether the help your child needs is in line with the education that the school provides. And whether the school your child is currently attending can do something extra.

School and parents usually agree on placement in speciaal onderwijs (special education) or speciaal basisonderwijs (special primary education). If you do not agree with the application for the toelaatbaarheidsverklaring (declaration of admissibility), or if you do not agree with the advice about the toelaatbaarheidsverklaring, you can object to this. You submit your objection (by letter or e-mail) to the objection committee of the samenwerkingsverband. Or at the national objection advisory committee. The advisory committee advises the samenwerkingsverband on this. The samenwerkingsverband must then make a decision on the objection.

Yes, that’s possible. If the school, you and your child feel that a regular school is the best fit. The school your child currently attends can help you find a school that can provide the help your child needs. Every school has its own schoolondersteuningsprofiel (school support profile) in which you can read what help a school can provide. Read more about this under ‘What is a schoolondersteuningsprofiel (school support profile)?’ and ‘What is a samenwerkingsverband (school partnership)?’.

A specialized school is often a bit further away from your home. Therefore, children who go to specialized education can often use leerlingenvervoer (student transport). Your child will then be picked up at home and brought back by a driver with a van or taxi. You must request student transport at your municipality.

There could be several reasons why you and the school disagree. You see your child at home, see how they feel, and listen to what they say about school. The teacher only sees your child at school. These situations may be different, because a child may act differently at home than at school. You and the school may also think differently about what you see in your child.

Try to discuss what you see and what the school sees. What do you think is going on? And what does the school see? Try to find out what you and the school can agree on and where you see things differently. Listen to each other as best you can. Try to understand each other better. Realize that both of you, school and parents, want what is best for your child.

What if I can’t come to an agreement with school?

Discuss your points of view as calmly as possible. Also try to listen to the points of view of the school.

Try to see if you can proceed together. Sometimes it helps not to talk about the difference of opinion, but to focus on how you can come to a solution together. It may help to ask an expert to join the conversation next time, or the intern begeleider (internal support coordinator) or even the director of the school. Perhaps it helps to continue the conversation another time, with someone you trust, who can support you and can think along with you. This can also be someone from the ouder- en jeugd steunpunt (parent and youth support centre). (What is a parent and youth support center?)

Do you feel that you are misunderstood, during a meeting with school? Or that you are not being listened to? Try to stay calm. Ask to pause the conversation. Try to explain your feelings in a calm manner. Also ask how it feels for the other person. Sometimes this will help you understand each other better. Do you feel that you are becoming very angry or very sad during the conversation? Then you may not be able to continue talking. Ask for a break. Try to explain what makes you so angry or sad. Also ask what the school thinks about your concerns.

Can’t get it together? Not even with the help of someone from the ouder- en jeugdsteunpunt? Then talk to the school board, and to the samenwerkingsverband (school partnership). If that doesn’t help either, you can ask an onderwijsconsulent (education consultant) to think about what a suitable solution could be. Every school has a complaint procedure. It explains how you can submit a complaint. The school guide usually states how to submit a complaint to the complaint committee, and who is on the committee. The complaint committee must respond to your complaint within four weeks with an advice to the school. The school is not obligated to follow the advice.

If you have a serious difference of opinion with the school board and you cannot reach a solution together, you can sometimes turn to the passend onderwijs (tailored education) disputes committee (GPO: Geschillencommissie Passend Onderwijs). If the school refuses your child (who needs additional support), for example. Or if your child has been removed from school, or if there is a serious disagreement about your child’s ontwikkelingsperspectief (developmental perspective). The committee will investigate the report and make a decision. The school board is not obligated to follow the advice of the disputes committee. (‘What is a ontwikkelingsperspectief (developmental perspective)?’.

It is possible that you do not agree with the school about the support for your child, about which school is (or isn’t) tailored, or about a transfer to another school. You may then have to deal with the leerplichtambtenaar (education welfare officer), the pediatrician, or the municipality. Your child may temporarily not be able to go to school (every day). Children are subject to compulsory education in the Netherlands. If they (temporarily) do not go to school, or are unable to, the school sometimes asks the municipality, the education welfare officer and/or the pediatrician to think about a solution. Read more about this under ‘What does the leerplichtambtenaar (education welfare officer) do?’ and ‘What does the pediatrician do?’.

The leerplichtambtenaar (education welfare officer) is employed by the municipality. The leerplichtambtenaar checks whether children are going to school. In some cases, parents can request exemptions and dispensations from the leerplichtambtenaar. If there are problems with attending school, the leerplichtambtenaar can help a pupil, parents and the school to find solutions. The leerplichtambtenaar can also draw up an official report if a student is truanting or is not enrolled at all at a school. Every municipality employs at least one leerplichtambtenaar.

The school or the parents can contact the pediatrician if a child is not doing well. The pediatrician also helps if a child goes to special education (SO) or special primary education (SBO), or if a child is temporarily unable to go to school (every day). The pediatrician can think alongside the parents and give advice. If your child has it’s own therapist, the pediatrician can contact him or her. The pediatrician has professional confidentiality agreements and may not share information about your child with the school without your permission.

After primary school, your child will go to secondary school. The transition from primary to secondary school is an important step. Does your child (also) need help in secondary school? Check whether the new school can arrange this. Read more about this in the Information set for parents: ‘What is passend onderwijs (tailored education), version secondary education’.

Do you have questions about passend onderwijs (tailored education), do you want advice or do you want to talk to someone who thinks along with you? Then you can contact your child’s school or the parent and youth support centre. Every samenwerkingsverband (school partnership) has a ouder- en jeugdsteunpunt. It is there to help you as a parent and works independently.

Not sure which samenwerkingsverband your child’s school is affiliated with? Please check with your child’s school.